IMAgainstPoverty Charity Launch — Awesome deal

As you know, I’m not like most marketers who promote every product or launch out there. I only promote the best and ones that I feel truly add a lot of value to you. As you know, you won’t find a lot of products I recommend from my reviews, but this is different.

I would never want to recommend something that wasn’t of true value to you, as I’d risk losing you as a reader to my blog here. However, I was approached by a good friend of mine and asked to promote a huge bundle of internet marketing products with a catch — all proceeds will go to charity.

Specifically, it’s to help people in the poorest of the poor countries. When we think of poor, we think of not being able to afford the next bill. When I say “poorest of the poor,” I’m talking about people who are at risk of dying from not having enough food.

Normally, I’d ramble on about how great this package is (it really is), but I think that the cause for this is far more important.

Please take a few minutes and watch the video, see what they have to offer, and consider taking them up on the deal. My affiliate link is provided, but I won’t even be making a penny promoting this (it’s used just to track the referrals to show during a live demonstration how marketers can make money online, but in this case, it’s all going to charity).

To make it even better, if you buy through the link, please e-mail me here for a surprise bonus (trust me, this is worth FAR more than you’d think).

To your success,


P.S. I’m calling this the “charity week,” as by random chance, I was approached by another respected marketer to promote a project where all the proceeds are going to help kids with heart defects. I’d love it if this list could sponsor one surgery! More details on that shortly…