Valentine’s Day Relationship Advice for More $$$
First, I want to wish those of you celebrating it a big happy Valentine’s Day! I hope all of you taken guys and gals are enjoying your time with your significant others.
And now, I want to say that if you read this whole e-mail, you’ll walk away with one of the biggest secrets in this industry.
Since V-day is all about love and relationships, I thought I’d share a bit of free advice (yep, no promo here) of how you can successfully use relationships to get more money.
In fact, I think that’s one of the easiest ways to get more money is to know who and how to get the right business relationships with.
I’ve seen way too many people go about this wrong. Whether it be in finding potential business partners, finding JV partners, etc..
Too many people will often just look at how the other individual can benefit them, and not enough about how they can benefit the other person! Even when some people think that they’re benefiting the other person, they usually have a twisted view of it that won’t get them anywhere.
It kind of reminds me of some average joe going after a rich, sexy super model.
Sure, everyone may want that rich, sexy super model, and we all know what that person could do for you. But do you honestly think if you tell them that you can give them lots of love in return that they’ll just jump right onboard to get in a relationship with you? No!
And with JV partners and business partners, it’s the same way, especially if they’re already very successful. Why would they partner with you just for a normal affiliate cut when they can be a JV for ANY product and get the same (if not more) money? You don’t stand out.
But don’t worry, there’s hope! Listen up, here’s the big secret to exploding your online profits (notice there’s not an affiliate link here or any link?): either find partners at the same level as you or offer larger names something that will REALLY benefit them.
Think you can’t do it? Think again!
There are tons of marketers out there that are at the exact same level as you. Find them, team with them, and stay together over time and you’d be surprised and what you can accomplish together.
If you’re looking to partner up with a larger name on your product, don’t just come to them with an idea — come to them with a finished product, proof that there’s a market for it, and a willingness to do anything that they want to bring in to market for you (and offer them a substantial cut of the profits). Be willing to accept that you might not be able to call the shots, but know that you WILL stand out to them for this.
Want to keep it all to yourself because you think it’s the “next big thing?” Fine, but you better be able to market it, form all those JV relationships that you need, etc. just as good too. If you don’t, that next big thing will be taken up by someone else or will forever just remain an idea.
Believe me, when I get a JV request, I’ll look at it and see what I can do if I think it’s a quality product, if it fits what my list is looking for, and if I don’t have to spend a ton of time figuring out what the product even is. However, if someone approached me with an offer of a partnership and I could see that they were willing to work, you bet I’d be interested! Or even if it’s just a JV request, if I see someone going out of their way to make my life easier just to consider their product, you can bet that I’m more than happy to do so. Others will too.
And you don’t have to go to the biggest guy out there. If there are things you need to do but can’t, find the right people to team up with who can, be generous to them, and you’ll start finding more success and more money in no time.